US to allow Israel to keep parts of West Bank in future deal: US newspaper

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will get a written US pledge that in exchange for a pulloutfrom the Gaza strip, Israel will be able to keep parts of the WestBank under a future peace deal, The Washington Times reported Monday.

The newspaper said that this was disclosed by Israeli politicalsources in Jerusalem on Sunday, three days before Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is to meet President George W. Bush at the White House on his unilateral plan to withdraw from Gaza and four of the 120 Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

US sources in Washington said last week that "understandings" had been reached with Israel on key aspects of Sharon's plan afterofficials close to him said he expected approval to retain parts of the West Bank.

The Palestinians, while welcoming the prospect of an Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip, fear the move masks Israel's intentions to annex West Bank settlement blocs.

The Israeli sources, according to The Washington Times, said Washington's assurance would come in a letter President Bush will hand Sharon on Wednesday at their White House meeting where Israelis expected to receive a US greenlight to unilaterally "disengage"from the Palestinians.

The Israeli daily Ha'aretz, quoted from what it said was the planned letter from Bush, said borders to be established under anyfinal peace accord would reflect "demographic realities," an allusion to large settlement enclaves in the West Bank.

A source in Sharon's office confirmed that the issue would be on the agenda for the meeting between Sharon and Bush, The paper reported.

The source also said that during his meeting with Bush, Prime Minister Sharon would reiterate Israel's commitment to the roadmappeace plan and the vision of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Source: Xinhua

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