HK women of commerce circle support law interpretation

Women representatives of the commerce circles in Hong Kong expressed their support to the interpretation of the Basic Law in Hong Kong Tuesday.

At a meeting held by Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, delegate to the 10th National People's Congress (NPC) Fei Fih called the interpretation of the Basic Law "legal and reasonable." She agreed with Deputy Secretary-General of the NPC Standing Committee Qiao Xiaoyang.

Fei said that it was not a suitable time for general election of chief executive as it will only do more harm than good to Hong Kong.

Upon the subject of constitutional development, Fei suggested that people from all walks of life should have a better understanding towards the Basic Law, and it is important that people having different opinions should discuss rationally in order to make consensus in certain problems.

Legal representative Sylvia Siu also said that it needs more time to discuss the matter of general election. She showed her appreciation of Central government's quick response towards the law interpretation matter and her willingness to make comprehensive communication with Hong Kong people upon the issue.

Source: Xinhua

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