Spain to withdraw troops from Iraq soon: MENA

Spain's Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos told his Egyptian counterpart Ahmad Maher on Sunday that Madrid will withdraw its troops from Iraq soon, the official MEN Anews agency said, canceling earlier report that the withdrawal will be within "15 days."

Moratinos told Maher in a phone call that "Spain was keen that Egypt would come second, following the US, to be informed about the Spanish intention," MENA said.

Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero earlier Sunday ordered Spanish troops pulled out of Iraq as soon as possible, fulfilling a campaign pledge and trying to calm his nation after bombings that killed 191 people in Madrid.

Zapatero said he acted after deciding the United Nations was unprepared to take over the occupation of Iraq, his condition for keeping Spanish troops in the country.

During his campaign, Zapatero has pledged to bring home the 1,300 Spanish troops by June 30 unless the United Nations takes charge in Iraq. US national security adviser Condoleezza Rice said on Sunday that the United States would not be surprised if Spain withdraws its troops from Iraq.

"We know that the Spanish have been talking about, perhaps, pulling their forces out. I would not be at all surprised if they do," Rice said on ABC's "This Week" program. "We have 34 countries with forces on the ground. I think there are going to be some changes," Rice said.

Source: Xinhua

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