Nazi War Crimes Suspect Leaves Britain

Nazi War crimes suspect Konrad Kalejs left London on Thursday for Australia to escape deportationproceedings.

Kalejs, accused by Nazi hunters of aiding the slaughter of Jewsin Nazi-occupied Latvia during World War Two, left Heathrow airport on a Singapore Airlines flight.

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Jerusalem, the world's leading Nazi hunting organization, says Kalejs, an Australian citizen, wasa member of a Nazi-run Latvian hit squad responsible for 30,000 deaths.

British Home Secretary Jack Straw said earlier this week he was"minded to deport him to Australia" after British police concludedthere was no fresh evidence available to warrant an arrest.

Kalejs, 86, denies the allegations against. He was deported to Australia from the United States in 1994 and from Canada in 1997 because of his alleged war crimes. (Xinhua)

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