Three Gorges Project Construction Schedule for 2000

Some 5.4 million cu m of concrete are expected to be used this year on the mammoth Three Gorges project, which will be about one million cu m more than in1999.

To ensure a smooth proceeding of the project, workers will have to install steel structures and equipment with a total weight of 40,000 tons, and dig or refill 5.2 million cu m of earth and stone

According to the China Yangtze Three Gorges Project Development Corporation, the dam's developer, workers in 1999 fulfilled the work quota of pouring 4.48 million cu m of concrete in line with the quality standards.

The Three Gorges hydro-electric power project on the Yangtze River is the largest of its kind in the world, and will help control floods and increase power generating capacity.

The project is located near Yichang in central China's Hubei Province and will cost an estimated 50.09 billion yuan. It consists of a 1,983-meter long and 185-meter tall dam and 26 generating units with a combined capacity of 18.2 million kw and an annual output of 84.7 billion kwh. Its permanent lock can allow a fleet of more than 10,000 dwt to pass.

Construction of the project started in 1993 and will take 17 years to complete. The first batch of generating units are scheduled to be operational in 2003.

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