CPPCC Considering Plenary Session in March

The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the country's top political advisory body, proposed in Beijing January 21 that the 3rd Session of the 9th CPPCC be held on March 3, 2000.

The proposal was made at a meeting attended by CPPCC Chairman Li Ruihuan and vice-chairpersons.

The meeting, presided over by Li Ruihuan, also approved the appointment of Zheng Wantong as secretary-general of the 3rd session, 21 others as vice-secretary-generals, and Tian Zengpei as spokesman for the session.

The meeting also approved a proposal that the 8th Meeting of the National Committee of the 9th CPPCC be held on February 27 of this year. During that meeting, the proposal for the 3rd session is expected to be submitted for approval.

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