Bayi Rockets Beats Guangdong Hongyuan in CBA

The defending champions took a 6-0 early lead in the opening minute and led 40-22 in the first quarter.

Guangdong Hongyuan managed to come back by fielding two foreignplayers in the next quarter, but failed to narrow the gap, ending the half-time with 54-72.

The hosts Bayi Rockets expanded their lead 111-71 in the third quarter and then fielded four young players in the last quarter.

Bayi Rockets had 15 3-point balls while the guest team collected 10 in the match.

In other matches today, Jiangsu Dragons beat Beijing Duckes 98-93, Shandong Flaming Bulls defeated Nanjing Army 130-86, Vanguard Aoshen edged Liaoning Hunters 109-86, Zhejiang Cyclone eliminated Jilin Tigers 107-85.

Hubei Mei'erya, who was the bottom team on the stadings with only one win so far, lost to league third finisher Shanghai Sharks118-88. (Xinhua)

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