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Sunday, February 27, 2000, updated at 11:36(GMT+8)


Hu Urges Sichuan to Develop Economy

Chinese Vice-President Hu Jintao has called for earnestly conducting the "Three Emphases" education among county officials and taking advantage of the national drive to develop western China to speed up the economy of Sichuan Province.

Hu, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), made the call during his eight-day inspection tour of southwest China's Sichuan Province from February 19 to 26.

His tour is part of the recent CPC Central Committee program to promote "Three Emphasizes" education, which stresses on theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct among city and county officials across the nation.

Hu made his first stop in Shifang County where he visited rural areas and township enterprises and met local government and Party officials.

He also met some retired veteran Party members and listened to their suggestions on government policies and ways of improving party building.

He stressed that the "Three Emphases" education among city and county officials is the top priority for party building this year,and urged local officials to practice criticism and self-criticism to improve their service for the broad masses.

The vice president then went to the cities of Deyang, Mianyang,and Chengdu where he visited enterprises, a village duckery, and a special park for returned students.

While meeting representatives of the returned students, Hu asked about their development in China and what else they need from the government.

He said economic development depends on science and technology, and high-tech enterprises cannot survive without talent, urging local officials to respect such talent and make sure that talented people are a part of the national drive to develop western China.

After listening to reports on the work of the provincial government before ending his tour today, Hu praised the achievements made in Sichuan in recent years and urged the province to take advantage of the national strategy for developing the west and contribute more to Sichuan's economic development.

During his tour of Sichuan, Hu also paid a visit to officers of the armed forces and armed police forces stationed in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.

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