First Chinese Test-Tube Baby Born from Fast-Frozen Embryo

The first test-tube baby born from a fast-frozen embryo in China is reported to be healthy in the Human Reproduction Institute under the Hunan Medical University in the capital of Hunan Province in central China.

Prior to this, test-tube babies in China were all born from embryos that used the slow-freezing method. The institute established the first test-tube embryo bank in China in 1990, which has started to use the new technique.

The fast-freezing technique is a new invention by the institute. It involves simpler procedures and equipment, according to experts.

The first fast-frozen test-tube embryo was transplanted to a woman's womb in 1998. However, she suffered an abortion. She received the second test-tube baby operation in July last year, and gave birth in March.

The birth of the boy has laid a foundation for the upgrading of embryo freezing technology in China, said doctors at the institute.

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