ADB Urged More Int'l Aid to Cut Asia's Poverty

The international community should do more to alleviate Asia's poverty, a statement of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said Wednesday.

The statement, which is released at a ADB news conference, said that while the main effort to reduce poverty has to be made within the borders of Asian countries, much needs to be done at international level if the global community is serious about eliminating Asia's poverty.

It listed that three areas where the international community needs to do more for cutting the poverty in Asia.

One is to improve the global trading environment. While global trading environment has improved over the years, the areas in which poorer developing Asian countries want to penetrate most remain protected by industrialized countries.

The Second is to increase the flow of foreign assistance. The flow of foreign economic assistance to poor Asian countries has steadily declined since the early 1990s.

The last one is to provide international public products.

If the Asian countries and the international community work together, the quality of life of Asia's poor can indeed be improved much better, it said.

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