Li Yining: China Needs Four Types of TalentsĦĦĦĦ

Presidents of World Prestigious Universities Forum Held in Beijing
Famous Chinese economist Prof. Li Yining put forward at the Presidents of World Prestigious Universities Forum held on May 9 in Beijing that four types of talents are wanted in China in the new economic era. By these, Li has in his mind those who have new concepts, those who excel in technical innovation, those who are good at managing and exploiting markets, and those who have strong team spirit.

Prof. Li said that future education must be of the lifelong type: If you don't study, you will lag behind the society; people who have new concepts should keep on learning; talents in universities should be well founded and highly knowledgeable about things. However, most faculties in China's universities have a very elaborate division, in fact, this is not good for students to develop themselves, he said.

Li Yining, also president of Guanghua School Management of Peking University further pointed out that college students should irrespective of different major in science or engineering study management science and learn how to look after an enterprise and the ways how to manage a school and a department office.

He noted that no one is isolated in social life and that people should learn how to cooperate with others and promote team sprit.

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