Insurance Capital Eyeing Open-Ended Funds

News that departments concerned are studying further opening up of securities investment fund market aroused much interest in insurance industry.

Vice president of Taikang Life Insurance Co. Ren Daode hopes that insurance capital will be allowed into the opened-ended fund market.

Ren said that application channel of insurance capital is now being broadening and the proportion of indirect participation in the market has also been increased. The synchronization of funds and stock market, however, is not satisfactory, Ren said. He hopes for an early involvement in open-ended fund market.

Meanwhile, insurers also hope to act as sponsors of securities investment fund management companies and participate in fund management directly. Policies of this kind will greatly mobilize the initiative of insurance companies and expand their investment channels and business scope.

Taikang launched a life-long participating policy recently in Beijing, which connected dividents with capital operation. If the company operates successfully, insurants can share more profits of the insurance company, which increases guarantee function and involves no risk. Development of new insurance coverage of this kind calls for further broadening of investment channels.��

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