Yugoslavia to Hold Runoff Vote

In Yugoslavia, the top two presidential candidates will have to fight it out again, after neither won an outright victory in last weekend's elections.

The State Election Commission says the current president, Slobodan Milosevic won 40 percent of the votes, to come in second.

His main rival, opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica won 48 percent, ranking first among the five candidates.

But, under Yugoslavia's electoral law, a candidate must win at least 50 percent of the votes to become president.

The runoff vote will be held in a fortnight.

But, some reports say Kostunica is rejecting the idea of a runoff vote against Milosevic.

Meanwhile, preliminary results show Milosevic's ruling coalition has won an overwhelming majority in the parliamentary elections, with 72 seats in the 138-seat Chamber of Citizens and 26 seats in the 40-seat Chamber of Republics.

As a result, the ruling coalition will form the new government

People's Daily Online --- http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/