Yemen Denies Existence of US Military Bases on Its Land

Yemen on Wednesday denied reports that there are United States military bases in the Yemeni territories.

The country's Al-Jezira TV network reported on Tuesday that the United States had military bases in Yemen.

The official Yemeni News Agency quoted a senior official on Wednesday as saying that "these allegations are baseless."

The unidentified official reiterated that there were no foreign military bases on Yemeni territories.

"The Yemeni people who offered dear sacrifices to liberate their land from foreign colonial rule and regain freedom and independence can never yield a single inch of their land or accept any foreign military bases," he added.

As for the refuelling and other services offered by Yemeni ports such as Aden seaport, the official said these are an ordinary and routine affair accepted in many world ports.

A U.S. destroyer, docked in the Aden port for refuelling, was rammed by a rubber raft loaded with explosives in a suspected suicide attack on October 12, killing 17 American sailors.

People's Daily Online ---