HK's Merchandise, Services Exports Forecast to Grow

Hong Kong can look forward to sustained growth in merchandise and services exports for next year, the Trade Development Council's Chief Economist Edward Leung said Thursday, December 21.

Presenting the council's report on Hong Kong's trade outlook for 2001, Leung said total merchandise exports are expected to rise by 7.5 percent in value or 6.5 percent in volume.

"Since Hong Kong's services exports are predominantly trade-related, an export-led Asian economic expansion should underpin satisfactory performance of our services exports," he said.

The report pointed out that political uncertainties in some Asian economies as well as the haphazard pace of financial and institutional reforms in the region require attention.

Meanwhile, an apparent risk arises from the hike in oil prices and the fluctuations in the exchange value of the euro may affect developments in the global economies, said the report.

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