Former Polish Leader Tips Beijing as Best Choice for 2008 Games

Former Polish deputy Prime Minister Grzegosz Kolodko has thrown his weight behind Beijing's bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, thinking that the Olympiad will help the biggest developing country further integrate with the international community.

"The years leading up to the 2008 Games will contribute to China's ongoing political and economic reforms, and enhance China's integration with the global economy," Grzegosz was quoted as saying in the latest edition of a local magazine.

"China will be more determined to open its market to the outside world, which will bring about an opportunity and a bright future for investors and transnational companies," said his story titled "Olympics in Beijing".

Grzegosz, who led Poland into the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, had been seen as an important figure in the country's economic reforms during his three-year service in the government.

Grzegosz, who visited China over four years ago, said he has firm belief that Beijing is the best candidate city for the Games, for which Paris, Osaka, Toronto and Istanbul are also bidding.

"Beijing can do more than successfully hosting the 1990 Asian Games,"he said.

"Since then, Beijing has made progress in traffic control and environmental protection. It also built more sports facilities." "China is undertaking its political and economical reforms. If it is awarded the Games, Beijing will become better eight years later,"added Grzegosz.

People's Daily Online ---