Rapid Increase in Taiwanese Support for 'One Country, Two Systems'

The past ten years have seen a rapid increase of five times in Taiwanese support for "One Country, Two Systems", according to sources from local media of Hong Kong.

Chen Xuesheng of the Taiwan "Legislative Committee" revealed April 2 that the figure above-mentioned had seen a notable climbing ever since Chen Shui-bian 'came into power' last May.

Another latest survey conducted by Taiwan "Economy Department" told that the propensity of investment to China's Mainland came to 74 percent in Taiwan, up 4.5 percent over that of the previous year. 1999 saw 40 percent of Taiwan investment to the Mainland gained profit instead of losses, thereby bringing 30 percent of them out of the economic predicament.

By PD Online staff member Yin Zhili

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/