US Plane Spying Act of Hegemonism: Nepali Scholar

A Nepali scholar flayed the intrusion of a US spy plane into China's air space and hitting down of a Chinese fighter plane as an act of hegemonism.

"The repeated acts of provocation by the US spy planes amply demonstrate the US intention of expanding its hegemony on the one hand and China's assertion of her territorial integrity on the other", Madan Regmi, chairman of the China Study Center of Nepal, told Xinhua Thursday.

In the latest incident of such spy flights on April 1, the American spy plane EP-3E knocked down a Chinese fighter plane above the Chinese exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea and landed in Hainan province of China without any permission. The clash led to the death of Chinese pilot Wang Wei.

Regmi said that after the demise of the Soviet Union, which paved the way for the United States to become the sole superpower in the world, the hawks of the United States bent upon containing China.

"On the one hand, they are striving to make the US the role international policeman acceptable to every nation; on the other, they have targeted all the nations opposed to the US hegemony, which is being unleashed either in the pretext of human rights or in the name of American security," said Regmi.

"By hugging the Taiwanese separatists, who are rejected by most Taiwanese people, the United States is acting in contravention of the One China policy which Washington had promised in three Sino-US joint commuinques, while by arming Taiwan, it is constantly interfering in the internal affairs of China," Regmi continued.

Regmi noted that after the US spy plane hit down the Chinese fighter plane, the United States is even trying to argue that such flights are its legitimate right.

"By evincing such an arrogance and extra-territorial authority, the United States is more isolated than ever," Regmi said.

Regmi pointed out that resuming spying flights is a prelude to provoking China's sovereignty and will wreck the Sino-American relations.

"This will also jeopardize the mission of maintaining world peace, which cannot be ensured without Sino-American joint efforts and such efforts are only possible in an atmosphere of mutual trust," he said.

Regmi further slashed the US tendency of displaying its military muscle all over the world, notably in the Gulf War and in the Balkan region.

"Such a tendency has made the United States very unpopular in the world," he concluded.

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