Western Countries Relax Limitations on Chinese Students

Sources from the Ministry of Education say that some Western countries, which are hot for Chinese students to study at their own expenses, including Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Canada, lately relaxed to a great extent some limitations specially set for Chinese students to go on a study program.

China was listed under Australia's international unified policy of visa. Instead of harsh language requirement formerly demanded on Chinese students, Australia moved on the international standard and suspended all rules that Chinese students were not permitted to study language first in Australian universities. And it also opened a large batch of courses for Chinese students to take. The UK is going to greatly increase its visa permission rate and Chinese students to go on a study program will be permitted to do odd job during their study periods. New Zealand has simply called off its visa quota; Canada has decided to have a new policy for Chinese students.

But relevant Chinese authorities point out that the policy adjustments made as said will not mean they will make it easy for Chinese students to study there for those countries will not downgrade other qualifications for Chinese students and they may even be stricter with economic qualifications of the applicants.

By PD Online staff member Huang Ying

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/