South China City Fighting Flood

More than 300,000 local residents and servicemen have so far joined the fight against the flood caused by typhoons Civet Durian and Utor, and the people in Nanning, capital city of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region are still living a normal life.

Storms have poured heavily as the typhoons swept across the region in the past week. The water level of the Yong River that cuts through Nanning has risen to a record high in half a century, posing a threat to the people's life and property, said local officials.

The central authorities have issued instructions to the local government, demanding local officials to go all out to combat the flood and ensure the safety of residents.

Teams headed by top officials in the city government to inspect, examine and protect dykes have been organized. A supervision team has also been formed to oversee the anti-flood work, and any negligence will be severely punished.

At present, the daily lives of residents in the flood-stricken capital have not been much affected, Li Jiheng, secretary of the city committee of the Communist Party of China, who cited an example of 1.3 million kilos of vegetables being delivered from neighboring cities and provinces to Nanning with no reported price rise.

Meanwhile, 130,000 students are safe sitting entrance examinations after concerned government departments moved the flood-affected test centers to secure areas.

Donations worth 1.5 million (181,000 U.S. dollars) has so far been received for flood relief in the city.

Officials from State Council Join Flood Relief

Commissioned by the State Council, a flood relief team headed by State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Secretary-General E Jingping arrived in Nanning, capital city of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Sunday afternoon.

Immediately after their arrival, the team of officials and experts from the ministries of water resources, civil affairs and health as well as the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters went to the dyke by the Yong River to see the people and servicemen fighting the flood.

Storms have poured heavily as typhoons swept across the region in the past week. The water level of the Yong River that cuts through Nanning has risen to a record high in half a century, posing a threat to the people's life and property.

Leaders of the central government, such as Premier Zhu Rongji and Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao have demanded local officials to go all out to combat the flood and ensure the safety of residents.

They will join the relief work with local officials and experts soon.

People's Daily Online ---