Five Chinese Airlines to Purchase 36 Boeing 737 Passenger Planes

According to Wednesday's Asian Wall Street Journal, the Chinese government has approved five Chinese airlines to purchase 36 Boeing 737 jetliners at the price of US$ 2 billion.

The five airlines are China Eastern, Shanghai, Air China, China Southern and Hainan Airlines. Air China and other airline companies are expected to get the batch of jetliners over this year or next year, an indication of vigorousness in the Chinese aviation market.

Prior to the April's spy reconnaissance plane incident, Boeing Co. predicted that the Chinese government would approve the order for the Boeing 737 planes in June.

But neither Boeing Co. nor the State Development Planning Commission has officially confirmed the deal. If the 2 billion US dollars' contract could be signed, it would be a good news for Boeing Co. as the company suffered from order decline due to US economic slowdown, an order of 50 passenger planes was canceled from among the 192 planes to be sold this year. Only 510-520 passenger planes will be sold out next year instead of the original 530 planes.

By PD Online staff member Li Yan

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