Washington Falls into Chaos Following Attack on Pentagon

Washington D.C., the capital of the United States, fell into chaos following an apparent terrorist attack on Pentagon on Tuesday morning.

All routes leading to or bypassing Pentagon in northern Virginia have been sealed off shortly after a plane crashed into the main building of the U.S. Defense Department.

Heavy traffic began to pile up on Route 1, Route 50 and Route 27 due to the seal-off.

Sirens of police cars and fire trucks could be heard here and there as helicopters were flying over the sky above Pentagon.

Some journalists who wanted to report to their headquarters complained of interruption of telecommunications.

Xinhua reporters, who were trapped in traffic jams while trying to get a closer look at the Pentagon building, could see a trunk of heavy smoke arising from the direction where Pentagon is located.

One commentator of the National Public Radio described what happened here as one of the darkest days in the American history.

Radio reports said that the west wing of the White House, the Capital Hill and the U.S. Treasury Department have been evacuated for fear of possible terrorist attacks.

People's Daily Online --- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/