Indonesian Veep Urges US to Halt Attacks in Afghanistan

Indonesian Vice President Hamzah Haz Saturday urged the United States to stop the military attacks in Afghanistan to avoid further civilian casualties.

"I call on the United States to stop the attacks in Afghanistan or else more civilians will fall victim," he said.

Speaking during the opening of the United Development Party (PPP) leadership meeting here, the vice president said that the US government must also present solid evidence of Osama bin Laden's involvement in the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington.

"That's a big question which has yet to be answered," he was quoted by the Antara News Agency as saying.

Hamzah, also general chairman of the PPP, urged anti-US protesters, who have picketed the U.S. embassy in Central Jakarta, to "obey the law."

The vice president's remarks appeared to contradict the government's official stance, but he argued that the statement was issued in his capacity as a party chairman.

The government issued a formal statement last Monday neither condemning or supporting the U.S. military action in Afghanistan, but urged that the attacks on targets be "limited."

People's Daily Online ---