Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, February 13, 2003

Dinosaur-age Tree Fern Discovered in Henan

Chinese botanists have discovered large areas of alsophila spinulosa, a rare tree species that has survived since the era when dinosaurs dominated the earth,in central China's Henan Province.


Chinese botanists have discovered large areas of alsophila spinulosa, a rare tree species that has survived since the era when dinosaurs dominated the earth, in central China's Henan Province.

The wild alsophila trees, numbering nearly 30,000, were discovered in Miping township of Xixia county, located in the Funiu Mountain area in southwestern Henan province. Some of the trees are over 500 years old with a circumference so great that it requires seven people to join hands to encircle them.

According to Prof. Zhou Zhichun, with the Chinese Research Institute of Forestry (CRIF), this is the first time that such a large number of the trees have been found in China.

The alsophila tree, one of earth's earliest known plants, is reputed as a "living fossil". The tree is very valuable in the study of the formation and geographical distribution of plant species, experts said.

The trees yield a substance widely used in treating various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and in making cosmetics, since its properties have shown to be effective in retarding the aging process of the skin.

The research institute of the sub-tropical forest, which works under the supervision of the CRIF and Xixia county, has signed an agreement on the development and use of alsophila trees. The agreement noted that the two sides will jointly cultivate, research and develop alsophila products.

They will also introduce alsophila trees from other countries to enhance researches on the rare tree species.

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