Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, February 16, 2004

200 million peasant workers to be trained by 2010

A vocational training campaign will be launched from 2003 to 2010 in China for more than 200m peasant workers in non-agriculture industries. The program will be specifically focused on some trades ranging from housework service, catering, hotel and health care to construction and manufacturing.


A vocational training campaign will be launched from 2003 to 2010 in China for more than 200m peasant workers in non-agriculture industries. The program will be specifically focused on some trades ranging from housework service, catering, hotel and health care to construction and manufacturing.

Statistics shows that a large number of some 90m odd migrant workers working out from their hometowns have no permanent jobs or dwellings. It is necessary to improve the quality of peasant workers. At present, only 9.1 percent of the rural labor force in China have received technical training. The surplus rural labors without vocational skills will be going to face mounting pressures of employment along with the advancing economic development and new emerging industries.

The technical training is an efficient way to help peasant workers become more adaptable to their jobs and more competitive in the labor market as pointed out in the Planning for National Training Program for Peasant Workers 2003-2010 prepared by the six ministries of Labor and Social Security, of Education, of Science and Technology, of Finance and of Construction. Governments at all levels and departments concerned should design their training packages and courses according to the national criteria and basic skills and operational rules required by different industries, trades and positions.

The above-mentioned Planning set the target for the training of peasant workers like this: from 2003 to 2005 10m rural labors planned to transfer to non-agricultural industries and towns will receive pre-employment guiding instructions, of which 5m. will get technical training.

Vocational training will be carried out for 50m migrant workers who have been in non-agricultural industries. From 2006 to 2010, guiding instructions will be offered to 50m rural laborers planning to transfer to non-agricultural industries and towns. Among them, 30m will receive technical training. In the meantime, professional training will be available for 200m-odd peasant workers who have begun to work in non-agricultural sectors.

By People's Daily Online

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