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Stock trading halts for one more working day in extended Spring Festival holiday

(Xinhua)    14:45, January 28, 2020

BEIJING, Jan. 28 -- Trading on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges will resume on Feb. 3, one working day later than scheduled, as the Chinese mainland has extended the Spring Festival holiday to contain the coronavirus epidemic.

The resumption of trading was postponed from Friday, Jan. 31 to Monday, Feb. 3, the first working day after the prolonged holiday.

The two bourses will suspend their service on Stock Connect, a program linking Hong Kong and mainland equity markets, from Jan. 22 to Feb. 2 and resume service from Feb. 3.

The two bourses said business originally scheduled for Jan. 31 will mostly be postponed to Feb. 3.

The seven-day Spring Festival vacation, scheduled to end on Jan. 30, was extended to Feb. 2. Universities, primary and middle schools and kindergartens across the country will postpone the opening of the spring semester until further notice, according to the General Office of the State Council.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Du Mingming, Bianji)

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