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Shandong welcomes returning medical workers dispatched to Hubei with rainbow

(People's Daily Online)    09:27, March 19, 2020

On March 17, east China’s Shandong province used two charter flights to take back home 342 medical workers dispatched from the province to Hubei, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus epidemic, WeChat account of China Youth Daily reported Wednesday.

(Photo/China Youth Daily)

As the planes arrived at Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong, firefighters created a giant “water gate” to welcome these medical teams. The “water gate” was intended to symbolize the Chinese phrase “jie feng xi chen”, which means welcome and help wash off the dust of the guests coming from afar.

The “water gate”, which represents high etiquette, created a rainbow shape as the plane passed through the gate. 

The first batch of 41 medical teams made up of 3,675 medical workers aiding Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei, embarked on their journey back home on March 17.

(Photo/China Youth Daily)

In an effort to ensure these “soldiers in white” leave Wuhan smoothly and safely, 3,000 traffic police were arranged to escort these medical teams with the highest levels of etiquette, deepest respect, and best image. Morever, there were in accordance with requirements and discipline practiced at wartime.

 When all the medical workers got on coaches heading for the airport, police officers saluted them with tears.


(Photo/China Youth Daily)

(Photo/China Youth Daily)

On the evening of March 17, tall buildings in Wuhan bid farewell to medical teams aiding the city with numerous slogans showing words of thanks, which included “a salute to the heroes” and “thank you for being here.”   

(Photo/Beijing Daily)

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun)

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