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English>>Life & Culture

Publish or perish mindset plagues China's academia (3)

(Shanghai Daily)

09:54, November 05, 2012

Root cause

According to the publishing review process, published paper in academic journals, depending on the prestige of the journals, can be worth 1 to 12 points in promotions.

In actual practice, there is great flexibility in interpreting such papers, with some successful candidates having been exposed to have had papers published in "illegal journals" (unlicensed journals).

In fact, the single most important factor in deciding the outcome of these publishing reviews is not about the quality of academic papers themselves, but about good connections, which can be either fostered or bought.

Last year in the same Sichuan college, senior titles were conferred on 25 applicants, 11 of whom holding various administrative titles; some are relatives of school leaders.

Even doctors at community hospitals and primary school teachers today are busy churning out academic papers with a view to securing future titles.

We can safely conjecture that at community hospital or primary school level, the only rationale for the requirement of academic papers is the enormous room it creates for transferring wealth from those aspiring for benefits to the powerful who can confer them.

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