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English>>China Society

Rebuilding almost completed in Yushu (2)

By HE NA  (China Daily)

10:11, November 08, 2012

In addition, 42 of the 44 schools in the prefecture have been rebuilt and had been put into use by the end of September, while construction of the other two will soon be finished. Students in Yushu who were sent to other places by the government after the quake have mostly resumed studies in their old schools, said Xu.

Four major hospitals have been built and put into operation, including one general hospital and one for women and children in Yushu county, which is the seat of Yushu prefecture, as well as two hospitals in two remote counties.

The blueprint for reconstruction included 63 hospitals, clinics and other medical projects, and all will have been completed by the end of November, said Xu.

In addition, "infrastructure projects, such as roads, power facilities, waste landfill sites and heating system facilities are making steady progress," Xu said.

"Yushu is located in the Three-River-Source Nature Reserve, where the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang (Mekong) rivers originate. Its environment is vital for many major rivers in China and even Asia," Xu said.

The region has a very fragile ecosystem, with high requirements for restoration and protection, he said.

Yushu has a population of 385,100, with 97.7 percent belonging to the Tibetan ethnic group. It has more than 238 venues for Tibetan-Buddhist activities, which account for a third of the total in Qinghai province.

Almost one-sixth of Yushu residents are monks and nuns, and they have a big influence on the local culture and economy.

【1】 【2】


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