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English>>China Society

'Green card' process may get easier (3)

By ZHAO YINAN  (China Daily)

08:44, November 19, 2012

He said the human resources authority will soon release a document that allows green card holders to enjoy equal rights as Chinese citizens, except for the right to elect and be elected.

He said the document was signed this month and will be introduced possibly as early as December.

Under the new document, green card holders will be able to use the card as a travel certificate, such as checking in at hotels, he said.

"Most importantly, it's expected to eventually build a personal network by associating the user's bank account, insurance account and medical care account with the permit. That makes life easier for foreigners," he said.

Emilie Bourgois, a public relations manager in Beijing, has been studying and working in the country for more than four years.

She said it is sensible to require a minimum of 10 years, since China is among the "hottest destinations" in the world.

Green cards provide foreigners with a sense of security, especially for those married with children.

"Green card applicants usually have devoted a big chunk of their life to China and deserve the convenience of permanent residency," she said.

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