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English>>China Politics

Hu praised for voluntarily resigning from top military post (4)

By Yan Hao (Xinhua)

12:38, November 19, 2012


Xi is now the new commander-in-chief of the world's largest armed forces in amount, the 2.3-million strong PLA.

Like all other CMC chairmen before, Xi especially stressed the CPC's absolute leadership over the military and the armed forces' absolute loyalty to the Party.

"The military must promote and appoint cadres based on their political performance and guarantee that 'guns' are always controlled by reliable people with loyalty to the Party," Xi said.

The new commander-in-chief ordered the military to always put the country's sovereignty and security first, comprehensively improve the military's deterrent power and capability of real combat to protect China's sovereignty, security and development interests at an information-based age.

Xi also pledged to enhance anti-corruption effort within the armed forces, calling on senior military officers to take the lead in obeying rules and regulations for self-discipline.

At another meeting also held by the CMC on Friday, Fan Changlong and Xu Qiliang, vice chairmen of the CPC Central Military Commission, vowed to keep absolute loyalty to the CPC Central Committee, the CMC and Chairman Xi.

The meeting was attended by the members of the new CPC Central Military Commission: Chang Wanquan, Fang Fenghui, Zhang Yang, Zhao Keshi, Zhang Youxia, Wu Shengli, Ma Xiaotian and Wei Fenghe.

Fan urged fully implementing the principle of governing the Chinese army by laws and high standards, and maintaining security and stability of the military force.

Xu called for better preparations for fulfilling military duties and enhancing the Party's organizations within the armed forces.

Xu also asked all Party organizations and members in the military to keep purity and the vanguard nature, as well as reinforce unity and combat capacity.

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