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Debt crisis handicaps EU foreign affairs (2)

(People's Daily Online)

15:19, November 27, 2012

Germany has been committed to the development of national economy and the people's livelihood for many years and strove to avoid getting involved in external military conflict, which reflected from another perspective that it has drawn lessons from World War II. It is a stark contrast with Japan. Germany's behavior is also helpful to enhance the international reputation of the E.U.

Although the permanent president of the European Council, president of the European Commission and director-general of the E.U. Foreign Affairs attend the major international conferences and bilateral summit meetings with other countries on behalf of the E.U., they are unable to solve key differences because they are not authorized too much power, which led to embarrassing situation of fruitless negotiations.

As the E.U. is hard to form a consistent opinion on major issues, its member countries also became more complicated in dealing with the E.U.

【1】 【2】

Read the Chinese version: 债务危机掣肘欧盟外交; Source: Jiefang Daily; Author: Ding Yuanhong

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