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English>>China Society

Tablet taboos (2)

By Liu Zhihua and Sun Ye (China Daily)

11:17, December 03, 2012

The iPad or any other tablet computer should not be used as a surrogate nanny, even if they keep the child occupied and quiet. And while early computer skills may give the young an advantage in learning, it may also pose potential health risks.

More observant parents are discovering that their children are getting addicted to screens too young as more families in China own a plethora of gadgets and an increasing number of toddlers and young children gain access to these digital devices.

For the parents, tablets such as the iPad are double-edged swords. On one hand, they can be used as an educational tool, an entertainment platform and even a baby-sitting option. But they are also fearful of the potential threats and consequences.

Tong Lei, 33, a purchasing executive and father to a 3-year-old girl in Shanghai, says he always tries to limit his daughter's iPad time.

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