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U.S. researchers develop new type of lighting (2)


10:35, December 04, 2012

The team uses a nano-engineered polymer matrix to convert the charge into light. This allows the researchers to create an entirely new light bulb -- overcoming one of the major barriers in using plastic lights in commercial buildings and homes.

The device is made of three layers of moldable white-emitting polymer blended with a small amount of nanomaterials that glow when stimulated to create bright and perfectly white light similar to the sunlight human eyes prefer. However, it can be made in any color and any shape. This new lighting solution is at least twice as efficient as compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs and on par with LEDs, but these bulbs won't shatter and contaminate a home like CFLs or emit a bluish light like LED counterparts, claim the researchers on the team.

Wake Forest University, based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is said to be working with a company to manufacture the technology and in accordance with a plan, related products will be made ready for consumers as early as next year.

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