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English>>Life & Culture

Life of Pi offers food for thought (2)

By Liu Wei (China Daily)

16:49, December 07, 2012


Ang Lee's reputation is perhaps the foremost reason for the film's popularity in China.

He hasn't had a film in Chinese theaters for five years. His last movie to shine on the country's silver screen, Lust, Caution, generated much chatter because mainland film authorities cut out three explicit sex scenes. Some curious viewers flew to Hong Kong to see the complete version.

While mainland filmmakers have been obsessed with the Oscars, Lee grabbed two for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Brokeback Mountain.

So, Life of Pi was the talk of the town before its premiere.

Social media also played a role.

Weibo is among China's fastest and most accessible platforms.

This spells disaster for lame flicks, because the word spreads instantly, and the reverse happens for quality films.

This quality is highlighted with Life of Pi, because the film deals with many serious issues, such as faith and morality.

While many viewers saw only the story's surface layer - the relationship between the boy and tiger - opinion leaders divined more beneath.

They shared their interpretations, leading many who were shocked or confused to the theaters to verify or challenge these assertions. Their participation in the discussion has made it even more extensive.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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