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English>>China Society

1,000 ethnic villages to be upgraded (3)

By Xu Wei, Shao Wei and Huang Zhiling  (China Daily)

10:21, December 11, 2012

"As the birthplace of Jangar culture, the village gives routine Jangar training to the students in the village's primary schools to popularize the ethnic culture," Bater said.

"Performances, art shows, festivals and symposiums are held in the village throughout the year to help carry on this unique cultural legacy," he said.

Jangar culture dates to the 15th century and is one of China's most important ethnic art forms. An epic dance performed in Jangar depicts a battle between the Mongolian hero Jangar and the evil warlord Mangus.

Dawa, a 31-year-old resident of a Tibetan village in Zoige county, in the Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Sichuan province, said he hoped his village will be one of the 1,000 chosen.

"Most of the households in the village have televisions and children of school age all go to school. The problem is only 80 percent of the roads in the village are paved, and I hope being part of the project will get the roads improved," he said.

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