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Foods to avoid while trying to get pregnant (6)

(People's Daily)

16:05, December 17, 2012

Spicy foods such as garlic, gingers, hot peppers, etc(Photo/ PD Online)

Pregnancy and childbearing take a lot of planning and preparation. This involves physical, emotional and psychological toning for the couple. There are also a lot of lifestyle changes required for a safe pregnancy.

Most doctors recommend that you take a little control over the natural process of pregnancy and see a doctor before you conceive to make sure you and your baby get a healthy start. Prior to conceiving, women should have a check up and consultation with their obstetricians to discuss general health and how it may affect a pregnancy.

With a little planning, some common sense and by following the advice of your doctor or health officer, you will be able to start your new family in the happiest, healthiest way possible.

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