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Foundations of Ancient building unveiled in Southwest China (2)


08:36, January 17, 2013

In the 1930's, the remains of a 500-year-old city were discovered at Sanxingdui in southwest China. Now archaeologists working at the site have discovered the foundations of a building they believe could help unlock the secrets of the lost city. (CNTV)

Some experts have suggested that it may only have been used as a warehouse.

Liu Xu, professor of School Of Archaeology, Peking Univ., said, "I think it's a warehouse. But given its grand size, it was probably no ordinary warehouse. It probably would have belonged to someone very important. "

The Sanxingdui site was discovered in the 1930s, but the wealth of artefacts buried here are 5000 years old and date back to the Shang Dynasty. Archaeologists hope the new discoveries will help create a more detailed narrative of what life was like in this mysterious city.

【1】 【2】

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