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Real estate prices rise for sixth month (2)

By Hu Yuanyuan (China Daily)

08:20, December 04, 2012

Huang Qin, a 28-year-old company executive, just purchased a two-bedroom apartment on Beijing's Sixth Ring Road, after hesitating for eight months.

"There is no more policy change to count on, so I cannot wait anymore," she said.

Sales of existing homes in Beijing, for instance, saw a strong rebound in November, with transactions hitting 14,000 units for the month, close to the August peak.

The average price was 23,998 yuan per square meter, up 3.2 percent on the previous month and 6.3 percent on the same period last year, industry statistics showed.

"The market saw an obvious improvement," said Huang Yu, vice-president of China Index Academy. "With sales picking up in most major cities, many developers are close to completing their annual targets."

Moody's Investors Service has just changed its outlook for China's property sector to stable from negative on the expectation that improved sales and access to funding will continue in 2013.

"We expect property sales to grow in single digits in percentage terms over the next 12 months," said Franco Leung, a Moody's assistant vice-president.

According to Leung, easing mortgage financing for first-time homebuyers, increasing development of mass-market products, solid underlying demand, and continuing urbanization, will improve sales, which in turn will lower the inventories of property developers.

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