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English>>China Society

China releases air pollution reduction plan, vows PM2.5 cut (3)


09:26, December 06, 2012

Programs related to steel, cement and petrifaction will be strictly limited in the 13 major areas. It also urged curbing regional coal consumption and boosting regional cooperation in forming a joint defense against air pollution.

The plan is regarded as further demonstration of China's resolve in realizing its reduction promise -- to cut its carbon intensity by 40 to 45 percent from the level of 2005 by 2020.

Doing its bit to keep emissions within targets, China has strived to set itself as a good example in cutting emissions and play a constructive role in pushing forward world climate negotiations.

In the ongoing climate change talks in Doha, Qatar, Xie Zhenhua, the head of the Chinese delegation, reiterated the country's willingness to discuss binding emissions cuts after 2020.

Xie said China will keep an open mind in international climate talks on the basis of "fairness" and the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities," which was challenged by some wealthy countries, including the United States.

The U.S. claimed that the future agreement on coping with climate change should be based on "real-world" considerations and it should not specify different responsibilities for rich and poor countries, ignoring the equity in bearing obligations and the limited capacities of the developing countries

The world is expecting a positive result about the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, which was reached in 1997 and will expire at the end of the year.

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