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English>>China Society

Volunteers to protect tigers (4)

(China Daily)

08:59, December 10, 2012

The Chinese government has also been doing more to establish protection areas for Siberian tigers, as it tries to restore the predator's habitat and help the various animals it preys on increase their numbers.

Two tiger conservation zones - Wangqing and Nuanquanhe - are applying for national level conservation status, and several other forestry bureaus are also strengthening their efforts to protect wildlife.

"Past exploitation has led to deforestation and a decrease in wildlife numbers," said Liang Zhuo, the nephew of Liang Feng'en and a wildlife protection official who has worked to restore the environment and protect wildlife for more than 10 years.

"It is time for us to repay the debt and strengthen environmental protection. This is not only for ourselves but also for our children and grandchildren."

He said the work has led to more sightings of tigers in the past three years in Suiyang and nearby areas.

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