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Unleash 'China energy' in global governance (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:00, January 14, 2013

By opposing to the use of force in international affairs and advocating respect for the sovereignty of all countries and non-interference in their internal affairs, China has consolidated the basic principles for the majority of developing countries including China to settle down and get on with their pursuit.

By adhering to the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" in the field of international environmental protection, China has won development space for developing countries as well as established the principles of environmental protection aid from developed countries to developing ones, thus contributing to the cause of environmental protection in developing countries.

China's active participation in the escort activities at the Gulf of Aden has created safe shipping conditions for Chinese cargo vessels as well as provided public service for the safe passage of vessels of various countries.

Having walked the path of reform and opening up for more than 30 years, China's relations with the international community have undergone historic changes. Contemporary China no longer has a repulsive relationship with the international order but gains huge development from the participation in the existing order instead. Through participation in "global governance", China can provide more "positive energy" for the international order to develop toward a direction of further fairness and reasonableness.

Read the Chinese version: 在全球治理中释放“中国能量”, source: People's Daily, author: Qu Xing

【1】 【2】


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