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English>>China Society

Slow start for dog (2)

(Global Times)

09:09, November 26, 2012

A PSB veterinarian, surnamed Xiang, said that if the dogs are not adopted for a long period of time, they will be euthanized.

"The space and resources in the dog pound are limited, so we have no choice," he said. Most of the dogs are medium to small-sized and have been vaccinated, and the Ta foundation will pay for the animal to be neutered.

In the Ta Foundation office on the PSB site, one prospective adopter said that he had found a favorite Teddy Bear dog but the dog was blind. The man finally decided to not adopt and left.

But Xiang said that despite some dogs having a disability, they are all healthy and have a good temper.

"They're barking hard because we don't have time to walk them so they are anxious," he said, "If you walk them several times, they will become good."

"In fact, these rescue dogs are stronger and more disease-resistant compared to other dogs," Xiang noted.

Lin Yirui, project manager from the Ta Foundation, said they will try to find suitable adopters for disabled dogs.

"We'll recommend retired people and those who have enough spare time to adopt such dogs," said Lin.

Prospective dog owners should provide a resident's certificate for Beijing.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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