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Financial Service Development Council launched in HK

(People's Daily Online)

15:41, January 23, 2013

Hong Kong has launched the Financial Service Development Council (FSDC) recently to strength its status as an international financial center and promote financial service development in Hong Kong.

Shi Meilun, chairman of the FSDC, said Tuesday that the primary working themes of the council includes policy research of financial development, mainland opportunities, innovative business, marketing promotion and human resources.

Shi added that this unit is an advisory body aiming at offering proposals for the development of the financial center and financial industry without administrative function. It is neither policy bureau nor monitor or statutory body. The FSDC is a public institution which is supervised by the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance.

Edited and translated by Ma Xi, People's Daily Online
Read the Chinese version: 香港成立金融发展局
Source: People's Daily

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