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The Bookworm Literary Festival 2013

By William Wang (CRI Online)

10:39, March 08, 2013

(file photo)

Some people love reading so much that their love of the written word simply can't be contained by the simple act of turning pages. Beijing is the lucky host of a world class literary event, as hosted by the Bookworm. Award-winning authors and writers who boldly push in new directions will be celebrated in the upcoming two week festival.

But as words often refuse to be constrained within books, other arts and mediums heave steadily grown alongside of this literary event. Panel discussions about social media? Singer-songwriters? Stand-up comedians? Check, check, and check. The crafty worm has indeed burrowed into the apple’s flesh.

But purists need not despair. The two week festival will have no shortage whatsoever of poets, journalists or authors to share their insights about the process of writing, or the contents of their manuscripts.

The 2013 schedule may lack an obvious superstar such as David Sedaris last year, but the hype is still running strong. Karen Tidbick will explore Sandinavian folktales. Tom Miller will discuss the future of China's urban populations. Wang Xiaofang will delve into the secret world of Chinese politics. High profile sponsors such as The New York Times all want a piece of the pie. Writers from continents around the world will be in attendance, and a number of high profile events have already sold out.

And it's refreshing to see that Chinese writers are getting as much attention as the international guests. A quarter of roughly 75 authors are local, and they will be talking about the provocative and sexy details about China that people don't expect to hear from Chinese mouths.

Tickets must be bought at the Bookworm: Building 4, South Sanlitun Road.

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